47. International Solidarity with Palestinians: Baha Hilo & Rafał Piotrowski [in English]
In this episode of Reorient Podcast, host Ewa Górska returns after a break with a conversation about international solidarity with Palestine. Joined by two guests—Baha Hilo, a Palestinian educator and activist, and Rafał Szajchutdinow-Piotrowski, a Polish philosophy student and member of Academia for Palestine [Akademia dla Palestyny]—they explore the role of education, activism, and collective resistance in the fight against oppression.
Key Questions Addressed:
🔹 How has international solidarity with Palestinians evolved, particularly in the Polish context?
🔹 What challenges do activists face when raising awareness about Palestine?
🔹 How can universities serve as platforms for social justice movements?
🔹 What are the ethical boundaries of solidarity programs to avoid exploitation or "voluntourism"?
🔹 How does the Palestinian struggle connect to other global movements, such as feminism and environmentalism?
Highlights from the Episode:
Baha Hilo, founder of the To Be There initiative, discusses his work in raising awareness through educational programs in Palestine. “You cannot explain the reality of Palestine without being there. The occupation is worse and more profound than anything people can imagine.”
Rafał, who participated in a 150-day occupation of Jagiellonian University in Kraków, sheds light on the academic movement in Poland. “Universities must uphold their values. They are natural places for challenging oppressive narratives.” He reflects on how direct actions have sparked critical conversations about justice and human rights.
The conversation also tackles the ethical dilemmas of solidarity work:
“Voluntourism can be exploitative if it’s about making foreigners feel good rather than empowering Palestinians.” Baha stresses that solidarity should not come from a savior complex but from a genuine understanding of shared struggles.
The episode connects the Palestinian struggle with other global social justice movements. It also offers a look at the power of education, activism, and solidarity in challenging injustice. It’s a must-listen for anyone interested in human rights, decolonization, and global social justice movements.
[description prepared by AI]
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Muzyka w intro i outro: Stock Media provided by jnihiser1 / Pond5.
Zdj. na okładce: via UNSPLASH